Carpet Repairs Can Be Double The Cost if the job is not done right the first time. Finding a good carpet stretching and repair company in Colorado is extremely hard. Most carpet installers do not want to be carpet repair guys and carpet repair guys do not want to be installers. 90% of the carpet cleaning companies and even Mitigation / Flood companies do not have an in house Carpet repair guy!
Our Company was contacted last summer by a frantic phone call asking us if we did carpet installs and repairs. The conversation was disheartening when we found out that they had hired a company from Craigslist and they were paid for some of the most unprofessional work we had ever seen on a job. All of these photos are from the location that the bad carpets repairs and installation were performed.
Upon our arrival of inspection, we were floored by the carpet repairs and installation that was done to this home. We almost thought that this was a joke, the work was that bad. Trying to save money on your carpet repairs and installations can cost double the money! Not only are you paying for the first bad job, but now you are paying to have it done right the second time. Carpet repairs boils down to time for a company to fix damages the right way. Average repairs companies are going to charge a Minimum of $100.00 an hour and as high as $300.00 an hour. At $300.00 an hour for a repair, you might as well just replace the carpet or flooring at that point! To rent this equipment to do it right is going to cost you hundreds of dollars to start. Just because you have the tools does not mean you know how to use them. It takes many years to learn this tough and tedious craft of carpet repairs and installations. By the time you have rented your own equipment and the time doing it, this job might have cost you triple the money then it would have just getting the carpet repairs or installation done right at the right price.
Carpet has a grain just like wood does. It has to flow the same direction at all times. Just because you have a piece of carpet for a fill or patch, does not mean it will fit the right way. Not going with the grain of the carpet will result in horrible seams. These seams will have a trenching look and sooner then later, they will fall apart. All of the seams in this home were put together with duct tape or a fake sticky seam tape that acts like duct tape. We are really not sure why they even sell sticky seam tape in stores. This is not a fix at all. Its a waist of money and as you can see in this photo, it looks extremely bad. None of the seams are touching nor are they held properly by the glue backings. These traffic area seams have to be seam ironed in to get the hold desired. There is no way to stretch this carpet because the tape will fall apart. Without a good power stretch, this carpet will cut traffic areas in 3 times as fast and fall apart.
{ Cut traffic areas: Black Traffic wear lines }
As we went down to the basement, we noticed how dangerous it was to even go down the stairs with the carpet on them. They were very loose. After a closer look, the stairs were deck screwed from the top of the carpet. None of the carpet was set into the factual stair. Using a stair tool and a stapler is an effective way to crease and line out the installation of the stairs. There are tack strips that line the face of the stair to hold the stretch up or down. None of these were installed for one. You can tell they started doing a Hollywood install on the second step. Hollywood installs is where the carpet wraps UNDER the lip vs a Waterfall stair install just goes down and straight. In this picture, there is both styles. Waterfall at the top and Hollywood on the stairs below. The Carpet was cut at the top of the landing creating this horrible seam and open patches. All of this again was not stretched and was deck screwed in. There had to have been 75 Deck screws in this stairway alone. This had completely ruined all of this brand new carpet off of a roll.
The fun did not stop here on this bad carpet repair and installation. Half of the tack strip was remover throughout this tri-level home. The pad was either to short from the tack strip or they just laid the pad where the tack strip was supposed to be. If there is no tack strip in these areas, then what is holding the stretch of the carpet? All of the pad seams were gaped. This will cause major wrinkle’s and gaps that you can feel with the feet. The pad was nail down with baseboard nails. The nails were then bent over the pad to hold it down. There was about 300 nails plus to all of the new pad that was installed. Not only is this very dangerous on the feet to nail the pad in like this but it is very damaging to the flooring goods. Imagine stepping on one of these barefoot! OUCH! It is extremely important to cut the pad as close to the tack and areas of installation. If the carpet is left like a trench, then the carpet will follow down as well causing buckling and wrinkles. It also a good Idea to tape all of the pad seams as well.
Unfortunately the home owners had no choice but to get this fixed the best it could be done. They had already spent a small fortune on the carpet, carpet pad and bad installation. This took about 9 hours in total to carpet repair and carpet install. Total bill came to $700.00 and was worth every single penny due to the condition of this flooring. The carpet and pad was literally ruined before we started the Carpet Repairs. This goes back to a few tips. ALWAYS look for ratings and reviews from a Person or Company. Angie’s List and Home Advisor is a great way to get real comments from the companies you are looking to hire. If there are no ratings and reviews, look for someone that has known work! Going to cheap on these projects can cost double and even triple the price. We were able to get this home rented for the owner. 🙂
This carpet repair and Carpet installation turned out amazing from where it started!
Home Advisor Reviews to our Company:
Angie’s List reviews:
If you have any questions about past carpet installs or carpet repairs, please contact us @
Absolute Floors & More LLC Phone: 1-719-896-6274
Email: absolutefloorsandmorellc@
After Pictures: